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Latest News

  1. [October 2024] One paper accepted in WACV 2025 (Core Rank A)
  2. Sep 2024] One paper accepted in ICONIP 2024 (Core Rank B)
  3. [Sep 2024] Pur paper has been identified as one of the top 5% of accepted papers at ICIP 2024
  4. [Aug 2024] One paper accepted in IEEE TFS (IF: 10.7)
  5. [June 2024] One paper accepted in ICIP (Qualis Rank A1, Core Rank B)
  6. [Apr 2024] One paper accepted in Image and Vision Computing (IF: 4.7)
  7. [Apr 2024] One paper accepted in Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IF: 8)
  8. [Feb 2024] One paper accepted in Expert Systems With Applications Journal (IF: 8.5)
  9. [Nov 2023] One paper accepted in Neural Networks Journal (IF: 7.8)
  10. [Sept 2023] Will be serving as Session Chair for ICIP'23
  11. [Sept 2023] One paper accepted in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement (IF: 5.6)
  12. [Sept 2023] One paper accepted in Biomedical Signal Processing and Control Journal (IF: 5.1)
  13. [Aug 2023] One paper accepted in Expert Systems Journal (IF: 3.3)
  14. [June 2023] One paper accepted in ICIP-2023 (Core Rank B)
  15. [Sept 2022] One paper accepted in ICONIP 2022  (Core Rank A)
  16. [July 2022] One paper accepted in IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (formerly known as IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine) (IF: 7.021)
  17. [July 2022] One paper accepted in ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems
  18. [June 2022] Will be serving as Session Chair for IJCNN'22
  19. [June 2022] One paper accepted in ICIP-2022 (Core Rank B)
  20. [Apr 2022] One paper accepted in IJCNN-2022 (Core Rank A)
  21. [Apr 2022] One paper accepted in 44th International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC)

Open Positions

- I am recruiting one (01) junior research fellow (JRF) for a DST-SERB sponsored project in the Dept. of CSE, MNIT Jaipur (Deadline: April 10, 2024)
- Limited Winter/Summer Internship opportunities are available. You can contact me via email.

- I am looking for highly motivated  Ph.D., M.Tech, and B.Tech students to join my research group. Interested candidates may drop me an email with their CV. 

Minimum requirements: Excellent knowledge of programming languages (Python, Matlab, etc.)
Basic knowledge of Computer Vision or Machine Learning will be good to have.
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